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162 Reflections Projections

December 17, 2019 at 1:42 pm

As my 162 class wrapped up this week, we were asked us our thoughts on the class and the future. The class gave me a lot to think... (more)


December 6, 2019 at 3:07 pm

This week we discussed chatbots in class. I have mixed feelings about chatbots…I like them for the most part. I implemented one on this site and it was... (more)


November 22, 2019 at 11:40 am

This week we have been talking about IoT (Internet of Things) devices in class…I love these thing for the most part. In our house we have multiple IoT... (more)


November 8, 2019 at 9:30 pm

So this week we have been discussing GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographic Information System). I have been taking a class on GPS separately however we had... (more)

Social Robots

November 1, 2019 at 7:02 pm

We have been discussing social robotics and how they will play a role in society. I see them as a double edge sword; on the one hand they... (more)

Big Data and Machine Learning

October 18, 2019 at 8:55 pm

We were discussing big data and machine learning recently in class and people was giving examples of some of the implications of their uses. One thing I didn’t... (more)

Future Humans

October 11, 2019 at 8:04 pm

We have been discussing the future of humanity in class recently and how humans will be different than they are now. Looking 50-100 years ahead, I am somewhat... (more)

Signal Detection Theory

September 25, 2019 at 9:42 pm

For the last couple weeks signal detection theory (SDT) had been a conceptional theory I was studying for my Cognitive Human Factors qualification exams. Based on the readings,... (more)

Task Analysis

September 18, 2019 at 6:12 pm

So today we discussed task analysis and while some people like to think about it as “how would you instruct a robot or someone doing something new”, I... (more)

Test Post for twitter

September 14, 2019 at 2:04 am